Assassin's Creed Valhalla All Children of Danu Locations (2024)

Assassin’s Creed Valhalla Wrath of the Druids (Ireland DLC)has 10 Children of Danu Locations. Eliminating all Children of Danu unlocks theDawn of the Druids trophy or achievement. They are also part of the questline also called “Children of Danu”. Each of them drops an Amber Shard that you must bring back to Deirdre in Asfinn, Connacht region. The Amber Shards are automatically added to your inventory when defeating the Children of Danu.

The Children of Danu are the new Order Members in the Wrath of the Druids DLC Expansion that takes place in Ireland. They are only available after purchasing the Wrath of the Druids DLC. They get added to the Order Menu during main quest “Potion of Blood” in Ireland, which is also where you first meet Deirdre.

Your story choices do not matter for the Danu Members. None of them are missable. You can keep track of your progress by looking at the Order Menu. It’s recommended to finish the Wrath of the Druids story first because the first 5 order members are tied to story missions. Thenhunt down the last 5 after the story.

Because some of them move around it’s good to find their Clues first (but not mandatory). After finding all Clues fora Member you can tracktheir exact location from the Order Menu.

Once all 10 Children of Danu have been defeated you will instantly get the Dawn of the Druids trophy. But to get your reward you must return to Deirdre in the named map area “Asfinn” in Connacht region, east of Rathcroghan. You will get a mythical spear called Gae Bolg.

This guide lists theChildren of Danu in chronological story order! #1-#5 are automatic story-related eliminations that must be done in a fixed order, #6-#10 aren’t part of the main story and can be done in different order. Doing them in the shown order here is the most effective and will get you clues for the nexttarget automatically. Click the links in the overview below to jump to the specific target.

Children of Danu Overview:

  1. The Wren (Niamh, the Poet)
  2. The Cursed (Sétnae, Druid of the Mists)
  3. The Deer (Ruaidrí, he of the Ports)
  4. The Seed (Bécc Mac Nath-í, he of the Oceans)
  5. The Oak (Oegan Mac Cartaigh)
  6. The Spider (Aideen, Merchant of Dublin)
  7. The Ash (Cummascach)
  8. The Whisper (Leasleach, Madwoman of the Bogs)
  9. The Blaze (Conlae, he of the Flames)
  10. The Mist (Trian, he of the Stone Circles)

The Wren (Nimah, the poet)

1st clue is automatic during main quest “Potion of Blood”. This is when you first unlock the Children of Danu Order menu, no way to miss it!

2nd clue is in the north-west of Connacht region, a few meters north of Port Auley (Trade Post), at the beach, inside an abandoned hut. It’s the only building at the beach so quite easy to see.

3rd clue is in the northern half of Connacht region, at a lake called Lough Gara, near the center of the lake (actually a bit north of the center) there’s what looks like a tall ritual stone with the clue next to it.

The Wren Location: The Wren can be tracked from Children of Danu menu after getting the 3 clues. She can be found in the middle of Connacht region, in the town called Rathcroghan. She’s a small woman walking around the market square.

The Cursed (Sétnae, druid of the mists)

1st clue is automatic from defeating The Wren!

2nd clue is automatic from completing main quest “Potion of Blood”.

3rd clue is automatic during main quest “Into the Fog”, after freeing a man from a prison cell in a cave.

4th clueis automatic during main quest “Into the Fog”, after finding the Ritual site where The Cursed is at.

The Cursed Location: Automatically defeated as part of main quest “Into the Fog”, needed to advance the story and can’t miss it.

The Deer (Ruaidri, he of the ports)

1st clue is automatic from defeatingThe Cursed!

2nd clue is found in north-east of Ulster, in “Armdel” Trade Post. Just a few meters outside the Trade Post Walls (10 meters south-east of the Trade Post on the map) you can find near a short boat bridge by a creek.

The Deer Location: The Deercan be tracked from the Children of Danu menu after finding his clues. He’s in the east of Ulster region, at the named map area “Inch Lough Neagh” which is at the biggest lake in the region. He will be standing in a camp with lots of enemies in it.

The Seed (Beec mac Nath-i, he of the oceans)

1st clue is automatic during main quest “The Wages of War”.

2nd clue is in the east of Ulster region, in the named map area called “Movilla Abbey”. Enter the church that’s furthest uphill in this area, inside this church on a bench you will find the clue. It’s next to a wealth chest!

3rd clue is from defeating The Deer (Children of Danu Member).Scroll to his location here in the guide for details.

The Seed Location: After getting his 3 clues you can track The Seed from the Children of Danu Menu. The Seed is located in the north-east of Ulster region in the named map area “Dunseverick Fortress” at the northern edge of the map by the sea. He will be insidethe Fortressarea, there are also many other enemies in this area. He’s usually in the main building.

The Oak (Eogan mac Cartaigh)

1st clue is from defeatingThe Cursed!

2nd clue is from defeating The Seed!

The Oak Location: Automatically killed during main story quest “A Scourging of Snakes”. This is near the end of the Ireland story, you can’t kill him until you reach this main quest. So basically just finish the story of the Wrath of the Druids DLC. No need to kill all the other Children of Danu Order Members (only the two that give clues for The Oak, which you must kill as part of the main story anyway).

The Spider

1st clue is from defeating The Deer (Children of Danu Member)!

2nd clue is from winning against the Drinking Champion in the town of Dublin. He’s marked by a white “drinking horns” icon on the map. It doesn’t matter how much silver you bid against him, the lowest amount is sufficient. You can make a manual save beforehand in case you need multiple retries you can reload to get your lost silver back.

3rd clue is also found in the town of Dublin, the clue says to search at the tallest tree in Dublin. That tree is in the north-east corner of the town of Dublin, at the named map location “Skald’s Rest” (fully zoom in on the map to see the name). A mystery is also there, particularly an offering altar that requires 50 delicacies. In front of the big tree is a small bench with this clue on it, scan for it with Assassin's Creed Valhalla All Children of Danu Locations (34) as usual to see it highlighted.

The Spider Location: After finding her 3 clue you can track The Spider from the Children of Danu menu. She’s a woman with black hair found in the town of Dublin. Very close to where you land after jumping off the Dublin viewpoint, 75 meters west from the viewpoint itself.

The Ash (Cummascach)

1st clue is automatic from defeating The Wren!

2nd clue is found in the southern half of Connacht region. In the middle between two big lakes “Lough Tuam” and “Lough Rea” there’s a little hill with a ritual site. In the middle of the ritual site is the clue. An Artifact (Treasure Hoard Map) is also there.

3rd clue is found in the southern half of Connacht, in the named map area called “Kiltober”. There’s a viewpoint / fast travel point at this location. The clue is in a white tent, near some druid enemies.

The Ash Location: After finding the 3 clues you can track The Ash’s location from the Order Menu. He is found in the north-west of Connacht, in Kesh Corann(named map area). When you arrive at his map icon you’ll be on top of a hill but The Ash will be underground inside a cave. Walk around the hill to finda cave entrance. The cave entrance is exactly 75 meters east of Ash’s icon on the map. Follow the small cave until you reach him. In the map screenshot below the green arrow shows the cave entrace point.

The Whisper (Leasleach, madwoman of the bogs)

1st clues is from defeating The Spider (Children of Danu Member).

2nd clue is found in the north-east of Meath region. It’s at the named map area “Boyne Tombs”, in the enemy camp on top of the Tombs (outside). Not inside the tombs!

3rd clue is found in the northern half of Meath region. On the southern side of the Boyne River, 290 meters directly south of Kells Abbey, there is a ritual site with this clue on a table. There’s also a harbor fast travel point here when you get close enough to the location, and alsoone minor wealth icon (yellow) on the world map.

The Whisper Location: After finding the 3 clues you can track the Whisper from the Order Menu. She is a druid wandering around the bogs in the middle of Meath region. She isn’t stationary and actually moves around the roads constantly. It’s highly recommended to get her 3 clues first so you can track her exact location. Alternatively, just wait at the road location shown below until she comes by or ride around the roads in the bog.

The Blaze (Conlae, he of the flames)

1st clue is from defeating TheAsh (Children of Danu Member).

2nd clue is found in the south-east of Ulster region. In the named map area called “Bally na Gall” (east of Armagh). Look for the waterfall in this location. In front of the waterfall is a gravesite with this clue to pick up.

3rd clue is found in south-central Ulster. 390 meters south of the named map area “Clogher” is a burned down village. Inside one of the burned houses in the middle of the village is this clue(a minor wealth chest with a yellow dot on map is also in the same house).

The Blaze Location: After finding the 3 clues you can track The Blaze from the Order Menu. He iswandering the streets near the 3rd clue (at the burned down village). Usually to the road 100 meters directly east of the 3rd clue. However, he does move around and doesn’t have a fixed spot, so either ride around the road a bit or get all his clues to track him properly.

The Mist (Trian, he of the stone circles)

1st clue is from killing “The Blaze” (Children of Danu Member).

2nd clue is found in north-central Ulster. At the named map area “Doon Daven”. This locationlooks like a big stone circle, in the very center of it you will find the clue on a rock, in front of an effigy.

3rd clue is found in the north-west of Ulster region. At the beach 240 meters north-west of Aileach. There’s a stranded boat at the beach near the water, which has this clue.

The Mist Location: After finding the 3 clues you can track The Mist from the Order Menu. The Mist is found in the north-west corner of Ulster, on a small island called “Doon Fort” at the edge of the map.


After defeating all 10 Children of Danu order members, return to Deirdre. She’s in Connacht region, in the area called Asfinn, east of Rathcrogahn. She will use the Amber Shards to summon a boss which you must defeat. As a reward you get the Gae Bolg, a mythical electric spear.

That’s all 10 Children of Danu order members in the AC Valhalla Wrath of the Druids DLC.

For all Ireland Collectibles, other DLC, and everything else needed for 100% completion, check out the complete .

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Assassin's Creed Valhalla All Children of Danu Locations (2024)


What is the reward for killing Children of Danu? ›

All Children will drop an Amber Shard after slaying them, which Eivor will need to hand in to Deirdre in Asfinn, in the Connacht region. Upon killing the final member and turning in the shards, you'll get the Dawn of the Druids achievement or trophy, as well as a Mythical Electric Spear, the Gae Bolg.

Where is the clue in Boyne Tombs? ›

The Whisper

Warning Found near Boyne Tombs - Found at Boyne Tombs, a forested hill west of Rathdown Trade Post in northern Meath. The clue is on top of some crates at the top of the hill.

Where is Trian AC Valhalla? ›

From all of the clues, The Mist's identity was deduced to be Trian and his location was at an inlet at Ulster's western bays, the Doon Fort.

What does Hytham give you? ›

Speaking to Hytham after constructions unlocks the Leap of Faith ability, but it also provides access to the 'Order' tab in the game's pause menu.

How many children did Danu have? ›

In the Padma Purana, the children of Danu are described: From Kaśyapa, Danu obtained a hundred sons proud of boons. Among them Vipracitti, of great power, was the chief. (Others were) Dviraṣṭamūrdhā, Śakuni, Śaṅkuśirodhara, Ayomukha, Śambara, Kapila, Vāmana, Marīci, Māgadha, and Hari.

Who is the leader of the children of Danu? ›

Defiant to the end, Eogan revealed himself as the leader of the Children of Danu and exposed Ciara's past membership as a cultist, declaring that theirs was the only way Ireland would be great.

How to beat Balor in AC Valhalla? ›

After removing his mask, you'll be able to see Balor's three weak points with your bow. Shooting all three will give you a small window of time to do a stun attack that'll do some decent damage. You do not need to hit these weak points to defeat Balor.

Where is the beast in Valhalla? ›

This beast of the hills can be found by entering the entrance pictured below. It's located at the back of the Uriconium Ruins. Head deep into the ruins and you'll find a bear to kill.

Where is Tove in Ravensthorpe? ›

She'll tell you that Svend has passed away and asks that you go and check on Tove. She can be found on the western outskirts of Ravensthorpe.

Where is Steinnbjorn Valhalla? ›

Unlike the majority of Assassin's Creed Valhalla's legendary animals, Steinnbjorn is located in Jotunheim, which is accessed by progressing through Valka's questline in Ravensthorpe.

What are the rewards for killing gods in Assassin's Creed origins? ›

Normal god defeatedDifficult god defeated
First fight (swords)Conductor of SoulsSword of the Duat
Second fight (scepters)Was ScepterThe Sekhem
Third fight (shields)Tomb ProtectorAmmit
Fourth fight (warrior bows + outfits)Scales of Truth Dark Side of the MoonJackal's Gaze Revenge of Anubis

What is the reward for killing all order members AC Valhalla? ›

Killing them all results in a dedicated achievement / trophy named Disorder of the Ancients - making it essential for completionists - as well as a reward from Hytham.

What is the reward of the lost lament quest? ›

When the Guardians defeated the Invaders of Deep Stone Crypt, more mysteries of Europa were revealed. One of them is the Lost Lament exotic quest, for the completion of which you will be rewarded with the Lament exotic sword.

What is the reward of the tombs of the fallen AC Valhalla? ›

In Assassin's Creed Valhalla, Tombs of the Fallen are trials that can be found throughout England. To access Tombs of the Fallen, you need to have reached the Ravensthorpe settlement in England. Completing Tombs of the Fallen trials will unlock rewards such as gear, weapons, and the Isu gear set.

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